Professional Book Editing Services And Editing Processes

by Sherrie Christie

Posted on 21-05-2020 10:49 PM

Things You Need To Know About The Book Editing Process

Do you need a book editor?  For most authors, especially first time authors, the resounding answer is "Yes".  Manuscripts are turned down for the easiest of issues-- a lost comma, puzzling grammar, and so on. In self-publishing, your book requires a professional polish from skilled editors.  Many editors utilize a red pencil to edit the manuscript for mistakes. When this is all completed, editing of the electronic copy should be done on your book. It is best to save the first draft of the manuscript to compare it later on.

I recommend that authors do three rounds of editing: critique (beta reading), edit (line editing), and proofreading (copy editing). Multiple rounds of each stage may be required, depending on the condition of the manuscript. Also, multiple rounds of proofreading will likely be required during the production process. The manuscript would be proofread prior to doing the book layout, then again after the layout is completed, and finally when virtual and/or production (for print) proofs are available.

In an ideal world, you should get both editing services, because after your line-editing rewrite, you’ll need to do another round of editing. In fact, here is how the ideal self-publishing process would go, in terms of book editing. Write your first draft. Make it as good as you can, but then take advantage of book editorial services.  Understanding the book editing process will help you to create a book which readers will find both beneficial and enjoyable to read.

Prior to the book editing services beginning, you may ask for a phone conversation about your book prior to the book editor starting the editing process. Some book editors will welcome such a conversation and others may feel it is totally unnecessary. 

During the book editing process the book editor should check out the whole manuscript, as if he or she was a regular reader. If it is a fiction manuscript, your book editor ought to guarantee the plot will be smooth-sailing, or as described by you the author.  Making sure that your book is not jammed with unrelated ideas and concepts is part of the book editing process. Erasing unneeded words and even needless chapters is sometimes necessary. Editing for bad use consisting of the passive voices and redundancy is essential to good book editing services.

First Step To The Editing Process

Do you remember learning about the writing process back in high school english classes? when you write something with the intent of publishing it, you move through five distinct phases. Proofreading is the final step in the editing part of the writing process. Writers have already finished the prewriting stage with brainstorm sessions and research. The content and structure have been developed during the writing or drafting phase.

We recommend a three-step editing process: the “make it right” edit: make sure everything is in there, in the right order, and it all makes sense. The “line-by-line” edit: go deep into the chapters, paragraphs and sentences to make sure it says exactly what you want. The “read aloud” edit: read the manuscript out loud—preferably to a person—and make sure it sounds right to the ear.  Here are a couple commonly asked questions::

What should  anticipate from a book editor?  The edit does not ensure your possibilities of publication. The quality of your reword including the editorial recommendations will assist to identify your level of potential success. You might need to carry out an extensive reword, too, if advised to do so.

How does one choose a book editor? Any good English teacher can check your manuscript. They simply are not certified to deal with a manuscript through the eyes of the publishing market.  You want to find and work with a professional editor.  The following video reveals exactly how to do this.

Authors who require a freelance proofreader are generally authors who need book editing services, students needing dissertation or thesis help, or businesses or individuals developing a their own book. Proofreading is a critical step before submission or publication, and proofreading and book editorial services fully prepare your book for the process.

Don't worry about planning, don't worry about editing, and don't stop until you've finished your first draft. You'll find the process is much more enjoyable, and a finished manuscript much more achievable, when you follow these steps to writing.

Book editiors offer complete book editing services for fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books.  From developmental editing for early-stage manuscripts to final line editing. During the process the author's material in a raw, rough, or less-than-perfect state is gradually refined until it reaches its purest, highest condition—gold.  As the author, you have the choice whether to accept your editor’s changes.

The majority of people who would work with editorial services for their manuscripts are those who are starting in book publishing, most likely those who are almost ready to launch their first book. If you have an extremely intricate manuscript, your book editor will arrange it effectively for each part of the book. Your book editor will remove the information as he edits through the manuscript. In this way when you observe some parts that require more editing, you will have all his or her notes and you can likewise utilize his or her notes to look for precision and consistency.

A professional editor will comment on the favorable aspects of the manuscript as well as those parts that require additional editing. Your editor should review the summary to examine additionally the basic presumptions of the manuscript.  After the content of the manuscript, editorial services will review your book for formatting. You should follow the format considering that book editors in huge publishing homes are extremely precise when it pertains to format.

You may wonder are formats that essential?  Editors at publishing houses would not take a 2nd look at your manuscript if it does not meet the formatting standards they anticipate or require.  Appropriately formatted manuscripts have sufficient area for editorial notations and are much easier on their eyes.  Ask your editor to inform you about what they actually enjoyed from the manuscript and share their candid remarks truthfully. Discuss together what has actually been seen from the contents.

This in-depth line-by-line edit will not only cover spelling, punctuation, and grammar; it will target clunky words, fix tense issues, correct sentence structure, fine-tune phrasing, flow, and tone, and ensure format consistency. Editors copy edit using comment boxes to explain revision suggestions. You, the author, can either accept or reject the suggestions one by one, staying in full control of your manuscript.

Your book editor will complete a basic edit on your manuscript. When you receive your edited manuscript, you’ll have an opportunity to review each of the edits and deletions. You’ll then have the choice to accept or reject them. Once you have reviewed all the changes in your first round of editing, and made any necessary changes based on notes from the editor, you’ll submit your revised manuscript for the second round of editing.

For how long does the whole book editing procedure take?  Book manuscripts (with routine book lengths) would take around 2 to 3 weeks. In each case, editors will inform you the approximate time duration of the editing simply by understanding the length of your piece.

Book Editing Services

Services for authors of books, short stories, plays and poetry include critiques, proofreading, editing, copyediting, query letters and formatting. Browse author services. Express proofreading services are useful when trying to meet urgent deadlines. In addition to providing editing and proofreading, professional book editing services provide style and format checks.

Have you finished writing your manuscript? If so, you are close to becoming a published author. There is just one more step for you to take, before sending your book to agents and publishers.  That essential step is editing your manuscript.  Unfortunately, this is the step most writers fail to take. Every book must be professionally edited from the first page to the last in order to compete in today's publishing marketplace.

If you’re looking for professional book editing services from experienced book publishing insiders, we suggest you carefully research their credentials.  Besides editing, top book editing services also answer all your publishing questions and get you started building your author platform. Look for book ediitng services with at least five or more years of full-time book editing experience.  Even with less experience you may want to give editors a chance if they’ve edited at least 10 books and can provide references from happy clients.

Book Editing Scams And Deceit

There are still may be a lot of doubt and questions concerning editing your manuscript and those referring to editorial services groups screaming online about scams and deceitful book editors.  As an author, it is best to get familiarized with this dark side  ofin the publishing scene.

Who can an author trust?  Rip-offs, deceit and scams do exist.  Authors in their mission to get published can come into contact with rip-off artists. Here's a couple of tips to assist you prevent the traps.  For your comfort and security also, validate a potential editor's qualifications. If you feel that your manuscript still requires another review, go all out. We experienced manuscripts that had actually been formerly modified that appeared like they have actually never ever been touched at all, what with all the mistakes and defects.

It appears like more and individuals making a living selling editing services-- as book editors-- than authors earning money. It has actually ended up being an almost epidemic. For these and other reason, you need to do your own due diligence when choosing and working with a book editor or book editing services.