Book Marketing Plan For Maximum Profits

by Sherrie Christie

Posted on 21-05-2020 05:45 AM

Book Marketing Plan For Maximum Profits!

Writing a book marketing plan for maximum profits is essential to your success.  What takes place after your book is released has a good deal to do with whether you end up being released and successful ... or simply released.  You're about to discover proven steps, methods, and strategies for creating a book marketing plan.  It is important to prepare your marketing plan now, prior to you signing a publishing contract or writing your book.

A book proposition is a direct-marketing file meant to encourage publishers to modify, print and disperse your book. It's a sales piece planned to interact the inevitability of your book's success.  Your book's marketing plan, nevertheless, is planned for an audience of one.  That one person is you! It's not meant for your publisher. Rather, it's meant to help you recognize the profit streams that you will establish after your book is released.

Your marketing plan ought to explain revenues you will make above and beyond royalties from sales of your book. It must explain in detail your market and the steps you will require to earn these revenues. The success of your marketing plan depends upon the method by which your book publishing contract is worked out.

Let's presume, for instance, that you plan to utilize your book as a method of boosting your exposure and trustworthiness within your target audience. Obviously, you would want to include your website address at numerous points in the book. Understanding this objective, you can firmly insist that the publisher concurs in writing to include your website address in particular areas in your book.  You and your acquisition editor concur that this will consist of 5 points within the book where your web website address will be included.   As frequently takes place, the acquisition editor, after signing the contract, fades out of the picture.

The brand-new advancement editor then notifies you that author's URL's can just appear in one location, in the author bio concealed towards the back of the book. When this takes place, what happens to your plan to offer training and consulting?  It is critically important that you get this concession in writing as part of your book publishing contract.

You might have prepared to purchase books in case lot amounts for resale and/or circulation to your potential customers and clients. Planning this prior to you signing the contract, you can include in your publishing contract the right to buy books for resale at trade discount rates, guaranteeing your 'book pipeline' will not get shut off.  Keep this in mind: pledges are written on air. A written contract with specific concessions is the only thing that really counts!

Here are 12 additional back-end income opportunities which may become part of your marketing plan:

1. Articles or newsletters 2. Annual updates 3. Unique Reports 4. Teleclasses
5. Speaking at events 6. Webinar series 7. Training sessions 8. Audio/video recordings
9. Selecting website name 10. Chapters from website 11. Fee-based services 12. Ebook version

The possibilities are almost unlimited!  However, absolutely nothing can occur if, after signing the contract, the publisher restricts your capability to promote your business and your website in your book.  It's vital that you begin by preparing a marketing plan that examines post-publication revenue chances and explains the steps required to make them take place. Doing this puts you in a position to choose if the publisher's 'boilerplate' contract satisfies your requirements.  The more powerful your book proposition and the more knowledgeable your agent, the more likely you'll get what you need and want included in your contract.

This is highly important because a few thousand dollars may come from the sale of the book itself. All the rest ... perhaps tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars ... will come from back-end earnings.

Book Marketing Strategies to Sell More Books

Marketing has been around since people started selling things and it’s not going anywhere, anytime soon. What is marketing anyway? By definition, marketing consists of the strategies and tactics used to identify, create and maintain satisfying relationships with customers that result in value for both the customer and the marketer ( Source: KnowThis. Com )  The secret that opens the sales potential of your book is to discover a single sentence that becomes your selling motto or sales message. This sentence mentions what concern or issue your book addresses and the advantages and/or problem solving solution your book offers. Be sure to utilize that sentence in every piece of sales and advertising, and every time anybody asks you about your book.

There are numerous other methods to promote your books online that can assist you in selling more books.  One is to provide something totally free with your book, such as an important related bonus product. Or bundle a number of books for one special price, which decreases the rate for each book if they were offered independently.  

You've most likely heard a variation of this statement before:  "if you're selling to everybody, then you're truly selling to no-one."  Your key book marketing strategy should be targeting your ideal reader prior to you beginning the marketing of your book (or perhaps much better, prior to you begin writing it).  Develop a persona for your book. Think about the type of person who would benefit most from the book.  Imagine what type of person would find the content of your book so very interesting they would find it difficult to stop readying.  Every time you make a book marketing choice, think about this individual.

Book Marketing Pricing Strategy

Discovering the best selling price for your book is vital to the success of your published book. If you charge too little, individuals will think it's of little worth, and they will not purchase it.  Even it they do purchase your book, you will have to sell thousands of copies to get to the point where you can start to see a sizable revenue. If you price it too high when compared with your competitors, you will discover yourself progressively decreasing the cost, which will trigger you all kinds of brand-new issues in the future.

Identify the highest price your target audience can pay for your book, and then if you discover your book isn't selling, you can offer the book at a lower price. Prior to you taking that step, make sure you are promoting your book like insane on the Internet and offline also. You should never ever forget that cost is one of the aspects that individuals utilize in evaluating the worth of your book?

What if your book is an ebook?  Pricing an ebook is especially hard due to the fact that ebooks often are lower priced books.  Considering that they are digital, the worth of an ebook is as puzzling as the understanding of what digital in fact is to the typical layperson. 

Let's take a look at the distinction between a book in print and an ebook. A printed book is an item you can keep in your hand, display on your bookshelf, even pass on to the next generation. It is priced on elements such as paper stock, style, production expenses, and marketing.  The truth that unifies ebooks and print books is that they are made up of ideas and concepts. It is the ideas and concepts in these books that have the capability to alter, or perhaps change, an individual's life.

It is the ideas and concepts presented in your book that are important! That is how you identify the expense of your ebook.  You may have invested decades of learning and life experiences in order to create your book.  What should you charge for your experience, ideas, and concepts?

There are various solutions and approaches for figuring out the right rate for your ebook. Let's start with focusing on your supreme objectives.  Some authors have actually even priced their ebooks at a revenue loss to draw a high number of brand-new clients. The secret is to discover a price that optimizes your revenues and the number of books you sell.  This is an outstanding book marketing pricing technique if you are seeking to obtain long-lasting clients. Long-lasting consumers are more likely to purchase from you again and again, as long as the first ebook they purchase is of remarkable quality and beneficial to them.

When your book includes important, and more notably NEW details, methods, or strategies, you need to  price it on the high end.  If your book solves an issue or responds to concerns in a brand-new and special way, you ought to price your book as high as you can go. If your concepts are not typical understood, or you are providing a brand-new method, you will be able to sell your book at a much higher price. 

The above book marketing pricing technique to sell your book at a higer price may be short-lived. Ultimately, you will probaly have to stop to selling your book at this high price. Figure out in advance how long you plan to use your ebook at this higher price, and when that time is up, alter your book marketing pricing strategy.

If you wish to see smaller, yet consistent earnings, target an audience that is trying to find simple options to their issues at a low price. If your book is focused on resolving one specific issue instead of giving basic guidance, then you can charge more. Start at the highest price the marketplace will bear to generate the biggest earnings, and plan to mark down the book several times throughout the year after your initial launch.

Book Marketing for Self-Published Authors

Selling your self-published book requires an intricate marketing plan to maximize your book’s sales potential. Not only do you want to bring your story to life in the best quality possible, you also want to have your name recognized worldwide. Through excellent marketing strategies and tactics, your brand will become a household name.

Often the first form of marketing turned to by self-publishing authors are book reviews.  Book reviews are very persuasive to readers as the review is editorial, not promotional. Getting honest reviews of your book will help your book be seen by readers who are looking to read it. Below I'm sharing a video for how to get reviews for your book.

If you’ve ever published a book, you’ll know that authors are expected to take on the lion’s share of the marketing. As a result, many independent authors are forced to spend a great deal of time selling their self-published books, rather than writing new ones. Of course, for some authors, marketing is enjoyable! It’s a chance to promote their work and interact with readers firsthand. But for others, it can be a real burden — after all, book marketing requires special skills that many authors haven’t had the chance to develop.

Look over these ideas and create a road map—and possibly even a book marketing calendar to plan which book promotion ideas you can take advantage of to sell more books, what you’ll need to do to accomplish each task, and when each step should happen.